Some of the products ordered have broken in transit. What should I do?

Contact our customer service at info@scandialco.com

I received different products than I had ordered / received the wrong products. What should I do?

Contact our customer service at info@scandialco.com and tell us which products you received that you did not order.

Are refunds given for broken products?

Scandialco.com will pay a full refund for defective products. Due to the law, we cannot resend products.

Some products ordered are missing. What should I do?

First, check how many packs you have received. The packaging will always have a small sticker with your name, order number, package number and total number of packages. In this way, we can find out whether part of the goods have been left behind on the road. Then contact our customer service at info@scandialco.com and we will sort it out.

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